Top Fold
Top Fold
EPISODE 5 Minnesota Nice Show
A trip of a lifetime. An American tourist living the dream. A proud father, husband, and just a great guy, Todd Bachman from Minneapolis, Minnesota. deserved national headlines but didn’t get them. Find out why on this episode of Top Fold.
Top Fold is dedicated to, "All the news that would have been". What does that mean? That means that on the day JFK was assassinated, the Hindenburg exploded, or Elvis Presley died other news events were on peoples’ minds, in the headlines and on the evening news, but after this event, headlines were replaced and stories fell below the fold.
What event happened that was huge but wasn’t talked about because something else monumental took the headlines or top story? The name of the podcast comes from a combination of "TOP Story" and "Above the FOLD" - TOP FOLD.
Original music by David "Beezer" Wagler.
Sources for Episode 5 Minnesota Nice Show